Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Stan Romaneck

I will make this quick because I don't know how long that this video will be posted on Youtube. If you've been living under a rock then you haven't heard about Stan Romaneck. Long story short, he videotaped and "alien" peering into his window. This video is getting shut down quick so I hope it is still up for viewing when you read this. Let me know your thoughts. Take into consideration that this video does have timecode and it does have a reflection of the opposite wall in the background. The "alien" is definitely on the outside of the window. Look at how fluid the motions it makes are, and how it blinks. You opinions?


Jessica said...

Lame! Totally fake. Just doesn't look "real" ya know? The way he fluidly pops up and down...it looks cg. wouldn't take much to do it either. I am a skeptic! Bua!

leyna123 said...

Fakey. All that blinking and popping up and down...overdone. But very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Stan Romaneck's focus is purely for monetary gain; to cash in any way he can which unfortunately means by greatly embellishing any possible UFO experience he may have had, and using generous kind-hearted want-to-be believers. Any information or message of light or love that could be transmitted for the benefit of the world goes astray as it is filtered through his unstable ego, his greed and psychotic conspiracy anxieties. The stability, character and integrity of this man and his entourage should be examined further before investing in his projects.