Now that I'm older, my tatste for cereal has faded and I prefer a more filling breakfast. Now that it is October I only want to eat things that are Halloween related all day. As I browsed the asisle of the local grocery store looking intently for anything remotly resembling a Jack-O-Lantern or witches broom in any fashion I thought back to my sugarless childhood and remembered my favorite cerals I could never have as a kid. Thats right my thoughts fell upon Frankenberry, Count Chocula, and Boo Berry.

My hopes were up, as I half skipped down the cereal aisle. To my dismay these delicious sugary cereals were nowhere to be seen. Could it be that my sugary friends have been discontinued? This was something I would not accept. I pulled out boxes of "normal" cereal looking for the good stuff. "Maybe they're hiding in a trap door like in Chocula's castle," I thought to myself as I pulled apart the shelves.
A stern cough interrputed my search and I turned to face the store employee, a confused look on her face. "Where is Count Chocula?" I asked. She stared back at me confused. "What?" she asked with a bit of attitude. I couldn't believe it, she had no idea who Count Chocula was. I hung my head in defeat and said, "I'll clean this up."
As I left the store with a ratty box of Cocoa Pebbles I knew it would never be the same. What has happened to the amazing things we had as children come Halloween time?
Tomorrows blog...
Costumes. What has happened to creativity?
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