Noted as the goriest film of all time, Peter Jackson really knows how to make even the toughest of the horror buffs cringe.
The Sumatran rat monkey is one of the newest displays in a New Zeland zoo. Lionel, the son of an overbearing mother, sneaks out of the house to meet his date, Paquita at the zoo. After strolling around Lionel sees that his mother has tracked them down to the zoo and begins scolding him immediatly, not knowing she had stepped within reach of the Sumatran rat monkey.
The monkey bites her and she slowly starts to become a zombie. Lionel, being the good son that he is, makes every attempt to cover up his mother's condition. This only leads to catastrophy and the addition of several other zombies including a nurse and a priest.
Durring dinner one night the priest zombie and the nurse zombie get a little funky and make a baby. Yes, a baby zombie.

From here, hilarity ensues, until Lionel's greedy uncle stops by threatening to take the house from him. That night Lionel's uncle throws quite a schindig where zombies run amok and Lionel is the one that needs to step up and save the day. Will he be able to stop the zombies and save his love Paquita?

Only watching will let you find out.
First of all, I think that trailer is really funny. I love how they put the sheep eating grass on the left side and tell you to cover your right eye. The only thing I don't like is when the baby cabbage patch zombie thing v*s.
But here's my question: you are talking about the movie Dead Alive, but the trailer is for Braindead. Did they change the name of the movie before it was released or something?
Braindead is the Euro-title for the film. Now just imagine a star soaring over the words, "The More You Know".
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