Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You're So Beautiful You Could Be A Part Time Model

Haiiii Majide!

So last night my favorite show was on, "I Survived A Japanese Gameshow". Last night's show was excellent it was the big baby episode. What do you mean when you say big baby Andrew? I mean that the contestants of the show dressed up like giant babies and ran through and obstacle course. Was it weird, yes. Was it hilarious, double yes.

The laughter stopped when Mary, my favorite contestant, had to fight for her position to stay on the show by entering into the elimination round against Donnell, the pompous, arrogant douche. The elimination game was also hilarious. The two contestants had to dress up like chickens and pop giant balloons with their butts. Sadly, Mary lost.

With Mary gone my faith in the show wavers. What makes Mary so cool you ask?

1. See title of this blog.
2. She seemed to take a genuine interest in the culture of Japan, and that is so awesome.
3. She wasn't a douche like some of the other contestants.
4. She took everything in stride and did the best she could.

She totally deserved to stay on the show longer and win the $250,000 prize money (26,288,102 yen).

Mary you can be the Hiphopapotamus to my Rhymnoserous any day of the know, if that's what you're into.

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