Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Additions

Hey everyone, sorry for the large gaps in between posts lately, I've been quite busy. So to make up for it I will make several posts. I'm adding one now called "Movie of the Week" where I will recommend a film and post a trailer and a quick review for it.

Also, I am going to start posting other reviews, video games and books as well. This will not only allow me to showcase the things that I am interested in, but it will also give these artists work a chance to become a little more widespread.

So with that these next few posts will be the start of new trends. I hope all you readers are well and that you are all enjoying Lingo! Don't forget to vote in our polls, and also to purchase some Lingo merchandise. All the proceeds go to a charity, I believe this time around it is animal rights. Help some animals, let them has cheeseburgers!

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