Wednesday, May 28, 2008


It's been a busy week so far, between writing, getting everything ready for the premiere of my podcast Lingo, and looking for jobs, my time is short for anything else.

This post is primarily just to let everyone know about Lingo: a geekly podcast.

My co-host, Doug, and I have spent almost two weeks compiling information for the show and working out a nice seamless flow. New eps will be available every Friday, and you can link to the RSS feed through:

Be sure to check it out, we will cover some great topics....comics, film, and technology to name a few. Plus it's a good way for all of you readers to hear my pretty voice...wink!

So tonight Doug and I are working out the kinks with the first ep and will be playing with some content ideas, then tomorrow night we record!

So, long story just a little bit longer, check out the Lingo site weekly and I will try and keep you posted on the goings on with new eps!

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